Para Transpo Advance Booking Questionnaire

Benefits of a 7-day advance booking process:
1.Will help alleviate the concerns and frustrations that customers experience as a result of not knowing whether transportation has been secured until the day before their travel.
2.Customers will have more lead time to make alternate transportation arrangements if they cannot book a trip with Para Transpo.
3.More opportunities to secure a trip that has been canceled by other customers in the 7-day advance booking period.

Shortfalls of a 7-day advance booking process:
1.Limited room for last minute day before bookings, as the capacity to offer trips may be reached early on in the 7-day period (customers will likely book their trips as early as possible in order to secure their preferred trip time).
2.Unaccommodated trips will be experienced by all customers, regardless of the type of vehicle they require.

Benefit of reserving a percentage of trips for last-minute day-before bookings:
1.Allow some customers the flexibility of booking last minute trips that take place the following day.

Shortfall of reserving a percentage of trips for last-minute day-before bookings:
1.More trips requests will be refused in the earlier days of the 7-day advance booking process then what is currently experienced.
2.Some customers will have to call Para Transpo more often in the 7-day period in order to try and secure a trip or make several attempts on-line or via the IVR booking process

We appreciate you taking the time to answer the following questions by Friday, September 13, 2013. Accessible formats and communication supports are available upon request.